County Galway Hunt Committee
Chair: Michael McDonagh | Vice-Chair: | Acting Hon Sec: Janet Coveney | Treasurer: Maeve Carty
Committee: Kevin Dempsey (Field Master), Johnny Geoghegan (Field Master), Finbar Ryan, Michael John Mulchair, Barry Gavin, Mary Rose O’Neill (CGH Child Safeguarding) , David McCarthy, Karen Coffey
All CGH Events with details will be posted on our Facebook Page.
County Galway Hunt Child Safeguarding Statement
To whom it may concern,
The County Galway Hunt is committed to safeguarding children. By working under the guidance of our Safeguarding Policies our masters, members, subscribers, parents and legal guardians of juvenile members, visitors and hunt employees (participants) working with our young people, throughout the CGH, seek to create a safe environment for young people to grow and develop within sport.
The CGH Child Safeguarding Statement is available online in Draft format – we would appreciate any input or comments
Mary Rose O’ Neill
Designated Liaison Person for The County Galway Hunt
Membership & Subscription
County Galway Hunt Membership & Subscription are available on our website – Just click on ‘Payments Section above’
NHSPFS Waivers
As part of the Group Insurance Programme in place with LHK Group (Insurance Broker) each of our members need to sign a waiver and have it witnessed by a Solicitor and return it to the Hon. Secretary. Please click here to download the waiver.
Insurance – Members
1. As part of the Group Insurance Programme in place with LHK Group (Insurance Broker) each of our members must hold their own public liability insurance with a minimum limit of €2.6m.
2. All members/visitors/participants must have personal accident insurance cover and same to be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary in advance of hunting.
Insurance – Farmer/Landowner
County Galway Hunt ‘The Blazers’ Public & Employers Liability Insurance 2022/23 is part of The National Hunt Steeplechase, Point to Point and Field Sports Group (NHSPFS) Insurance Programme.
This policy extends to provide indemnity to any landowner, occupier or farmer on whose land events or other activities organised by the Insured are held or over whose land such events or activities pass or are accessed by and arising out of such events or activities only (Landowners Liability).
Landowner Indemnity: Not withstanding the Mounted Participants Personal Injuries Exclusion clause, where insureds provide a specific indemnity and/or joint insured to landowners for the use of their lands this policy is extended to cover bodily injury including any mounted participant injury caused directly or indirectly as a result of the negligence of the landowner.